Contact & Credits

Who I am

I’m Professor of History at Concordia University, in Montréal, Québec, Canada. I’ve written many scholarly articles and five books centring on law, mitigation, gender roles, civic culture, marriage, literacy, heresy, and popular religion in late medieval England. 

Sanctuary Seekers: Credits

The design of this website and the grunt work of transferring the content from Twitter to here were accomplished by the talented Alice Reiter. Knightlab’s timeline generator has been an amazing tool. I’m also especially grateful to Dr. Graham Dawson, who sent me many examples of sanctuary seekers while he conducted research on Surrey. Krista Kesselring shared with me her list of abjurations and Jessica Freeman‘s article on abjurers in the fifteenth century was also invaluable. Lastly, a big thanks to Pieter Bruegel and Hans Holbein, whose paintings and engravings gave me a wonderful array of images to work with, and to the many libraries and museums around the world who have made their materials available online.